Elementary Grades PreK - 5
Middle & High School Grades 6 - 12
Discount is applied to each additional student of equal or lesser value.
20,000+ Activities & More - enjoy 24/7 access to math, language arts, science, and social studies, plus bonus materials such as printable worksheets, art activities and more
Automated Grading & Reporting - grading lessons and reporting done for you
Start, Stop, or Pause Membership - change your status at anytime
Customer Support - our team is exceptional; contact us at (888) 771-0914, or via email, or chat
14-Day Money Back Guarantee - if it is not a fit for your family, cancel within 14 days and get your money back
I recommend this program to all my friends and family and everyone who are considering giving the very best 'Educational Experience' to their children! - TL Wilkerson Sr.
I recommend this program to all my friends and family and everyone who are considering giving the very best 'Educational Experience' to their children!
I like that the information in each lesson is taught, reviewed and assessed. Each lesson layout allows me to plan ahead, and also shows me where my son needs more focused attention. - Chenice
I like that the information in each lesson is taught, reviewed and assessed. Each lesson layout allows me to plan ahead, and also shows me where my son needs more focused attention.
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